At New Life CNY, we believe:
- There is only one God– The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Everyone is born with a natural inclination to sin.
- Whoever believes in Jesus Christ and seeks forgiveness will have eternal life.
- Life transformation begins when we become followers of Jesus Christ.
- God empowers us to live a life that becomes increasingly more like Jesus.
- God gives every person gifts, abilities, and experiences that can be used to help others.
- The Bible contains all the truth that we need in order to succeed in our families, in our relationships, at work, and in all that we encounter in life.
At New Life CNY, we value:
- Faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to Him and His word.
- Prayer and believe in the power of prayer.
- The Church and recognize that God has given gifts and abilities to its members.
- God’s cherished missing because lost people matter to God.
- Love expressed through kindness.
- Life transformation and believe that it occurs best in God-centered settings.
- Being relevant to our community.
- Connection and accountability.
Our Vision at New Life CNY is:
- To be a place where people can learn to live life through the power of the Gospel.
New Life CNY is a member of the Genesis Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Please visit their sites for more information: